Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Jason's Gifts -- the true story of the life and death of Jason Kaye
Jason's Gifts
If Jason's story touched you in any way, I'd appreciate it if you would consider donating to Hope Mission through their website at
Merry Christmas, and hold your loved ones close this year. Have a safe and happy holiday!
~Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Monday, December 14, 2009
10 Silly Things You Didn't Know About Canadian Crime Writer Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Winter Lust

Winter Lust
Winter’s cottony cloak gently drapes the ground,
Slowing Mother Earth’s heart to a sluggish waltz beat,
Cooling her hardened skin, frozen in endless time,
Stunting all growth as if in agonizing defeat.
This icy wrap she wears, it clings so lovingly;
How frigid is Mother Earth, unrelentingly in her claim
That she owns this frozen land and everything within,
And possesses calm reserve despite Winter’s pain.
The snow drifts and icicles form, suspended in time,
The breath and teardrops of Mother Earth’s last stand
Before Winter smothers her final weeping breath
And silent cries spread across the glacial land.
Unyielding of her riches buried far beneath the soil,
Mother Earth sighs, her time will come once more to reign.
In the thaw of springtime, freedom comes full circle,
She emerges victorious…at least ‘til Winter’s lust begins again.
©2009 Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Read an excerpt from Lancelot's Lady
"Another brilliantly crafted novel by Cheryl Tardif. This is a beautiful love story rippling with suspense and just the right amount of sensuality. Its great dialogue will sweep you along and its well stocked cast of colorful characters will draw you in and make you feel what they feel." --Emily Ross, aka Pauline Holyoak
When palliative care nurse Rhianna McLeod is given a birthday gift of a dream holiday to the Bahamas by her dying boss, billionaire JT Lance, Rhianna has no idea that her 'holiday' will include being stranded on a private island with Jonathan, an irritating but irresistibly handsome recluse. Or that she'll fall head over heels for the man.
To live fully in the present, Rhianna must resolve her own murky past, unravel the secret that haunts JT, foil the plans of a sleazy, blackmailing private investigator and help Jonathan find his muse. Only then can Rhianna find the love she's been searching for, and finally become...Lancelot's Lady.
Lancelot's Lady placed as the #3 Semi-Finalist in the Dorchester "Next Best Celler" contest, hosted by Lancelot's Lady was #1 Most Popular for the first 3 months and in the top 3 Most Popular for the following 2 months.
You can read the first few chapters (without having to sign up for anything) on my website: Lancelot's Lady
Or you can read a bit more of my novel at:
Friday, November 20, 2009
A Gift of Chocolate, Coffee & Crime

Also included is a mug and your choice of hot chocolate or coffee and your choice of biscotti or a chocolate spoon.
Chocolate, Coffee & Crime. What goes better together than these?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Remember our Canadian heroes: 2 minutes is "a pittance of time"
If you haven't yet taken 2 minutes out of your busy life to remember that these men and women have fought for their country so that you can enjoy the freedoms we are so richly blessed with here in Canada, please take your 2 minutes after watching the video below. ~Cheryl
The story of A Pittance of Time:
On November 11, 1999, Terry Kelly was in a drug store in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. At 10:55 AM an announcement came over the store's PA asking customers who would still be on the premises at 11:00 AM to give two minutes of silence in respect to the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us.
Terry was impressed with the store's leadership role in adopting the Legion's two minutes of silence initiative. He felt that the store's contribution of educating the public to the importance of remembering was commendable.
When eleven o'clock arrived on that day, an announcement was again made asking for the two minutes of silence to commence. All customers, with the exception of a man who was accompanied by his young child, showed their respect.
Terry's anger towards the father for trying to engage the store's clerk in conversation and for setting a bad example for his child was channeled into a beautiful piece of work called, A Pittance of Time. Terry later recorded A Pittance of Time and included it on his full-length music CD, The Power of the Dream.
Thank You to the Royal Canadian Legion Todmorden Branch #10 and Woodbine Height Branch #2 for their participation in the Video.
You can read the lyrics of this inspiring song at:
Please visit
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Press release regarding Lancelot's Lady making the semi-finals in the Dorchester Next Best Celler romance contest hits the US

Read the full press release at
Lancelot's Lady by Cherish D'Angelo (aka Cheryl Kaye Tardif) is a Semi-finalist in the Dorchester "Next Best Celler" Contest Hosted by
Tuesday, November 03, 2009 Announces Semi-Finalists in Dorchester "Next Best Celler" Romance Writing Contest

See who made the Top 20 Semi-Finalists.
I'll let you know that Lancelot's Lady, my debut romantic suspense, is #3 on the list. In fact, I'm the ONLY Canadian author to make the Top 20.
If you haven't read Lancelot's Lady yet, please do. If you enjoy it, click on the blue thumb and phone circles. This contest isn't over yet, and points still matter.
Thank you all for your support!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Fan mail from a teenaged boy in BC who loved The River

Dear Ms. Tardif,Hello! My name is Cliff. I am 15 year old and live in Nanaimo, BC Canada. I just finished your novel "The River" and wanted to tell you that i really loved it. I think you are an awesome writer and can't wait to read more of your work. I'm honestly not much of a reader and it normally it takes me a long time to actually finish a novel, but I read "The River" in only five days. That is a record for me! Your writing really grabbed my attention and made me want to continue reading. I'm actually kind of shocked that I could get so much enjoyment out of reading. I want to thank you for that!Anyways I was wondering if it would be possible to get an autographed bookplate? Or would it be possible to send you my copy of "The River" and have you sign it? I'm not sure how it works, but I could send you a money order or a self addressed stamped envelope if you'd like. Just let me know. I'd truly consider it a great honor to have your autograph!Thank you!Sincerely,Cliff
Reviews of Lancelot's Lady on
"Desperate to leave her sordid past behind her Rhianna has found a new job and a new life. At long last she feels like she belongs.When her employer and companion T.J. Lance, gives her a ticket for a six week vacation on a secluded island, in the Bahamas, her life takes on a new and exciting dimension. There she meets the dark haired, dashingly handsome Jonathan. But why is he so reclusive and what secret is he hiding? Will Rhianna ever be able to heal the scares of her tortured past and give herself fully?.......Another brilliantly crafted novel by Cheryl Tardif. This is a beautiful love story rippling with suspense and just the right amount of sensuality. Its great dialogue will sweep you along and its well stocked cast of colorful characters will draw you in and make you feel what they feel." --Emily Ross, aka Pauline Holyoak
"Cheryl Kaye Tardif is the Next NORA ROBERTS/ J.D. Robb. She writes her stories with passion. I can not put her books down. Anyone who loves suspense, drama, and romance will love her books. I can only hope that Ms. Tardif continues to write, she has a wonderful gift with words." --grapie
"You've got that mythical "voice" down to a fine art, both in setting the stage and character dialogue. Well done!" --Jennifer L. Hart
"I can't believe I'm so hooked on this story! I NEVER read this genre, but it's so wonderfully written-I can't help but LOVE this story!" Firen Hendrix
"Another winner, Cheryl!Your work is riveting.It holds on and won't let you go!Your descriptive powers are amazing.You summon up scenes like genies from bottles!" --Susan McLeod
"Lancelot's Lady is bestseller quality and you've created characters we really care about." --Marc T
"This is a fabulous story! I knew I would be hooked. I have been a fan since "Whale Song". You truly have a gift!" --Tamara
"This new novel of yours is awesome, Cher. I love your characters, especially Rhianna and Jonathan. And I guess I love Winston too, although he's such a jerk!! This is a winner in my books." --BunnyS
"Love the characters and the premise of the story --Love the potential heat and intensity of tension of the characters." --Karen Vaughan
"Read the excerpt you have on your site Cheryl, and I couldn't stop reading. Now I want to wait until I can buy Lancelot's Lady." --bmorrison
"I have to tell you that the minute I started reading I couldn't stop.:) I love the whole idea of this story and the characters.Everyone of them. I can't wait to read the rest. Good luck with the story Cheryl. It's excellent." --Carol Luciano/Lucky4750
"Like everything you write your new novel is exciting and suspenseful. You always make me want to read more and your characters seem real." --AliKat
"Still to this day everytime I walk into a bookstore I look to see if they have your books. I loved (and cried) Whale Song and also loved Divine Intervention. Im still on the hunt for The River but I will find it! I really like that you still have some suspense in Lancelots Lady but still have the mushy stuff! I dont think I could handle just the mushy stuff in a whole entire book (BORING) anyways I'm excited to read the nxt book and I'm cheering for you all the way!!!" --Princess Cairo
"On a recommendation from a friend, I looked up your story. I intended just to read a chapter or 2. I am on chapter 38 now and had to force myself to quit so I can get some work done. I look forward to finishing the story!" --AER
"Riveting!!!" --GOT BOOST
"Its nice to find finally find a writer who has a vast dimentions to her writing. From paranormal, to thriller to mystery and more to come, I can't wait to read whats next. Great job Cheryl." --skydiva
"You have a fantastic and unique way of using your words to set the mood and tone of the scene. The reader is immediately pulled into the scene with the character. I enjoyed how you were able to describe almost her whole life story in one small paragraph! It did not take a lot of dialogue between characters. Stated simply we knew alot about her background. I do enjoy your writing style. I enjoy your subjects too! I will have to explore more of your books. I know they will make it to my 'must have' list!" --chloeev
"What a wonderful writer. This is a great story. You can not stop reading it." --nella
"Wonderful novel, easy to read and colorful characters!!!" --graciem
"I do not usually read this type of novel, but once again Cheryl Kaye Tardiff has my attention and the desire to stay up past my bed time." --abigail
"Exceptional characters and intriguing plot. Your writing is magical - I end up in the characters' heads, thinking what they're thinking, seeing what they're seeing. And your descriptions are absolute poetry. I'm hooked!" --Alexis Sinclair
"This is fantastic!! Where do you get these ideas from. I think you'll do fine branching out into romance. You seem like a natural. My favorite of all your novels so far though is Whale Song." --Ashgreen
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Reflections on the past 5 months in the Dorchester - Textnovel Next Best Celler contest

Links about my debut romantic suspense Lancelot's Lady and Cherish D'Angelo:
- Lancelot's Lady gets official
- The Business Side of Being a Writer
- Cheryl Kaye Tardif talks about her new pen name Cherish D'Angelo and her debut romance Lancelot's Lady at the Author Island Tiki Hut
- The birth of Cherish D'Angelo, pseudonym of author Cheryl Kaye Tardif
- Lancelot's Lady Giveaways (August, September, October & November)
- Cheryl's Deadly "Create a Corpse Contest"
- The Top Ten Bad Events in Rhianna's Life in Lancelot's Lady
- CHIP 101.7 FM interviews Cheryl about Textnovel, Dorchester, the "Next Best Celler" contest, Lancelot's Lady and the creation of her new romance pen name Cherish D'Angelo
- Press release: Cheryl Kaye Tardif's debut romance Lancelot's Lady is #1 Most Popular (so far) in the Dorchester/Textnovel "Next Best Celler" Contest
Friday, October 30, 2009
Lancelot's Lady gets official

Over the years, has come to be my favorite onlne newswire service and the one I recommend to my coaching clients and to other writers. They have worked with me in the past on other projects, including Project Drumheller, a special project that granted the wish of a young BC boy to visit Drumheller, Alberta, and see the dinosaur bones.
I have had great success at obtaining interviews because of my press releases, and I find 24-7 offers competitive pricing, quick service, and I love that I can attach a video (or book video trailers) to my releases, where appropriate.
I've used "the other guys" but none of the other press release services have given me the personal attention and huge support that I've found with Michael, Philip and their company, and none of the others have sponsored me as 24-7PressRelease is now doing.
For those of you who are unaware, my debut romantic suspense novel is in the Dorchester Next Best Celler contest held at As of right now, it's #3 Most Popular. I've been begging for votes since June 3rd. For the first 3 months of this competition, Lancelot's Lady was in #1 Most Popular place. Please drop on by and read it. It's free, and you can even let me know what you think about my new novel.
You can expect to see press releases regarding Lancelot's Lady, complete with a stunning book video trailer, to hit news editors' desks very shortly.
THANK YOU, Michael and Philip. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your support.
To learn more about, please visit their website:
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The business side of being a writer

Some people might not view an author as a business person, but I have to tell you, there's far more to being a writer than cloistering oneself in a small room for months and typing out 80,000 words. In today's world, a successful writer must also take on the hats of publicist, marketer, event planner, advertising rep, accountant, stocker (not stalker) and more.
As a successful Edmonton author, I am right at home with the writing and marketing part. I even make a decent publicist and have done this for other writers. It's the accounting part I suck at. And the stocking of shelves.
I'd love to discuss this here with other writers. How do you manage the number side of writing? Do you hire someone else or just suck it up and do it? Are there other options you've discovered (other than having books published by a traditional publisher, which I've also had)?
For me writing is both an immense pleasure and a business. I can't really have one without the other--unless I want to be my only reader. With the economy being as it is and so many changes in the book industry, authors must take on more of the marketing role, no matter who publishes you.
Finally, a small bit of promo from the marketing side: I am one of only a handful of Canadians who are competing in a writing competition sponsored by Dorchester Publishing, a very respectable US publisher. I think I'm the only Edmonton contestant as well. I'd sincerely appreciate your support.
Please check out my debut romantic suspense Lancelot's Lady on and click on the blue thumb and blue phone circles. This gives me 2 points in the contest. There are 3 days to go until the semi-finalists are selected. I really want to win this! The prize is a publishing contract with Dorchester.
Sign up is fast and free and you'll have access to many novels and short stories you can read for free. Thank you, in advance, for your support of an Edmonton author.
Now I must go and procrastinate about doing my accounting. :-)
Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Romantic suspense: a scintillating combination of titillation and trepidation
What bored me about my original romance novel—beside the title (Reflections)—was the journey of my characters (I forget the main character’s name). They met, there was chemistry, she had a disturbing past that stood in her way, they explored each other timidly, she fell in love, he didn’t at first, they eventually hooked up…blah, blah, blah…and they all lived happily ever after. Boring!
Read my full post about romantic suspense over at Magic of the Muses, where I talk about what it was like to write my first romance novel and my entry in the Dorchester "Next Best Celler" contest.
~Cherish D'Angelo, aka Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My thriller THE RIVER shows up with Richard Castle's HEAT WAVE on home page of

I received an email today from my friends at, a branch off of Canadian bookseller They let me know that my thriller THE RIVER is now featured on the home page. What an honour!
Of course, I had to go look, and there it was, tucked in between PURSUIT OF HONOR by Vince Flynn and HEAT WAVE by Richard Castle.
If you recognize the latter book title and author, you'll know that Richard Castle is the name of the character starring in the hit TV series "Castle", a cop show about a female cop who is paired with a famous author who helps her solve crimes. I'm a huge fan of the show! And now there's a book out--brilliant idea!
And Nathan Fillion is perfect in the role of Castle. He never fails to make me laugh, and his portrayal of a writer, with all the quirks, is dead on. You can follow Nathan on Twitter at fillion.
The South Nahanni River area of Canada's Northwest Territories has a history of mysterious deaths, disappearances and headless corpses, but it may also hold the key to humanity’s survival―or its destruction.
Del thought her father was long dead. But someone from her past says otherwise. Now she and a group of near strangers embark on a perilous mission...
Download a free copy of THE RIVER at This offer is good until the end of November only. So get it now while you can.
You can read these ebooks on select cell phones and on your PC or Mac. If you have an iPhone, Blackberry, Palm Pre or Google Android, download the Shortcovers app so you can read ebooks on your phone.
The birth of my pseudonym Cherish D'Angelo and Lancelot's Lady

The Birth of Cherish D’Angelo, aka Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Call me Cheryl; I prefer first names. You could also call me Cherish, since that’s the name I’ve adopted as my pseudonym so that I can detour from writing mainly suspense and venture into the romance genre. Cherish D’Angelo is my flowery, romantic pen name. I selected it a few years ago when I started writing my first romance novel. Since my real first name is Cheryl, which means “dear one” or “beloved”, I wanted something similar, and “Cherish” came to mind. Finding a last name to go with it proved to be trickier. After all, when I make it big in romance, I’ll have to sign that name on thousands of books. Hundreds of thousands, hopefully.
I started an angel collection years ago as a memorial for my son, who died at birth. Prior to his birth and death, I’d ordered two angels from a friend who made ceramics. She wasn’t sure if I’d want them after he died, but I did, and this started a collection that grew every year around his birthday and at Christmas. Angels…hmmm…Cherish Angel? No. Cherish D’Angelo. YES! I’d found my new name. It means: “Beloved angel.” Yeah, that’s me.
After Cherish D’Angelo was “born”, she went to work on her first contemporary romance―Reflections. It was a story of a woman stranded on a tropical island with a reclusive rich guy, who had a deaf daughter. Cherish wrote about half of it, then hid it away on my computer. I’d realized that I had other stories that were demanding my attention―darker, more suspenseful stories. It wasn’t the right time for Cherish. So she slipped into a kind of coma, though every now and then she opened her eyes and said, “What about me?” before slipping back to sleep.
In June, I heard about a contest over at Now I’m really not much of a contest person. I love giving them and awarding prizes, but I don’t usually like entering them. I’d been a member on Textnovel ever since the CEO Stan Soper emailed me and invited me to check out the relatively new website.
What drew me to Textnovel’s newest contest was the fact that Dorchester Publishing, the oldest independent mass-market publisher in the
The Dorchester/Textnovel “Next Best Celler” contest is looking for the “New Voice in Romance”, and I want to be that voice. Cherish D’Angelo wants to be that voice. She’s ready now! She woke up from that virtual coma and dug out the file for Reflections. The old chapters were used as guidelines, but to date, about 80% of it is new material. Cherish has been on a roll with this novel and it’ll be finished by the end of October.
The Birth of Lancelot’s Lady

As with my other novels, I have come to love these characters. I can picture them, right down to their flaws. And believe, me, they’re all flawed. Rhianna has survived a terrible past filled with horror and death, and Jonathan has cut himself off from family, friends and the world.
Since Lancelot’s Lady is a romantic suspense, both Cherish and Cheryl get to work on this story. I know that sounds weird, and truly, I haven’t lost it. Well, not completely. I think Lancelot’s Lady is a potpourri of sexual chemistry, sizzling tension, spicy passion, illusive danger and triumphant love. But in the end, it doesn’t matter so much what I think. I want to know what YOU think.
This leads me back to the “Next Best Celler” contest and how YOU can be involved. I really need your help to have a chance at winning this contest and to win that publishing contract. Even more, I want to know what YOU think about my newest venture and I’m willing to reward you for your time. For the months of October and November, I’ll be holding Giveaways. Right now you can visit my contest page to see how to enter this month’s Giveaway contest. You’ll have a chance to win signed novels and a $75 Starbucks gift card.
To have a chance at winning
~Cheryl Kaye Tardif, aka Cherish D’Angelo
Read & vote for Lancelot’s Lady, a Dorchester “Next Best Celler” entry, at
Enter my October & November Giveaways
Visit my website at and follow me on Twitter at
Monday, October 26, 2009
Goal Setting Tips for Writers
I know hundreds of writers who fall victim to the deadly P-syndrome. If you’re unfamiliar with it, you’re one of the lucky ones. This syndrome is not only a killer of words and inspiration, but it can also be contagious, claiming other areas of the victim’s life or spreading to others. Washing your hands won’t keep P-syndrome away―unless washing your hands is part of a new mindset, one where you set daily goals.
If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m talking about PROCRASTINATION. It can be extremely debilitating to an author.
Read more about setting goals and check out the easy tips at Market My Novel
~Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Friday, October 23, 2009
Writers and editors: different roles, same goals
(originally published on
The marriage between a writer and editor can be a glorious one, or it can be a relationship full of strife. As in any marriage, the glue that will hold it together combines mutual respect, appreciation and admiration of each partner's skills and the role each person plays.
Marriages tend to be most successful when the partners are also each other's best friend. They might not always agree, but they manage to work things out compatibly.
A writer's best friend should be his editor. I say should be, because that's not always the case. In a perfect world, a writer writes and an editor improves. Ultimately, the beneficary of their alliance is the reader.
Although you'll find many a talented writer/editor out there, not all writers are cut out to be editors and vice versa. So being a writer doesn't automatically entitle you to consider yourself an editor, nor can all editors write particularly well. What good editors can do well is recognize good writing when they see it and, in wielding their blue pencils, ensure they preserve the writer's voice.
Good editors will take the text the writer has labored over and artfully make it even better – and the writer gets the glory. They correct mistakes, rearrange text where warranted or necessary, amend for house style, confer with the writer, and occasionally suggest overall improvements.
What good editors don't do is equally important. They do not feed their egos by making changes willy-nilly. They do not need to put their stamp on the writer's piece to prove anything. They're already where they are because they've earned the privilege. Truth is, they'd much prefer getting clean copy that is publication-ready; the reality is that's rarely the case. And that's OK, because if all writers submitted perfect prose, these people would be out of a job.
Then there's the incompetent editor. The damage this person can inflict is unlimited in scope and may include whitewashing the writer's text, making it conform to a faceless style, or otherwise stifling what distinguishes one writer from another: the personality, the voice. This person should not be editing anyone's copy but should be praying for the writer's forgiveness – and a lenient penance – and then seeking a new line of work.
Similarly, career writers who fail to understand that theirs is a vocation of lifetime learning may be unsuited for the task. Good writers are on a never-ending quest to improve; what they know for certain is that they don't know it all. And so they strive for perfection. Every day. It's the only way they eventually can become great.
Still the so-called writers and editors lurk. It's no wonder that the writer's lament is that anyone can do his job. That's because everyone writes, right? Who in business today has not composed a memo or an e-mail or even an instant message? Isn't that writing, after all? Doesn't that make everyone a writer?
Uh, no.
A writer doesn't merely put pen to paper or finger to keyboard. What a writer does is create. A writer captures ideas and transforms them into verbal pictures for the reader. Pictures that do indeed tell a story. Pictures that captivate the reader. These pictures are powerful tools. They can make you laugh or cry, enrage or delight you. Mainly, though, they will make you think.
Next time you find yourself reading good writing, listen carefully to hear the writer's voice. Some writers sound witty; others sound academic. Some sound like people you can envision yourself hanging out with; others sound too intimidating for that. What you're listening to is the result of the writer and editor working in harmony.
Just like a happy marriage.
Denise C. Baron is a director of global communications with Merck & Co., Inc. This article was reprinted here with permission from Denise C. Baron.