Although I appreciate and love all emails from my fans, this one in particular is one of my favorites, and one I'll share with you. Dear Ms. Tardif, My name is J. I am fourteen years old, live in Alberta; and love Whale Song. this email is simply to thank you for writng 'my favorite book of all time'. I read it yesterday, and literally I couldn't put it down. the only time I did was to eat breakfast, and is my mother would have let me, believe you me I would have read it while eating as well. I'm already on my second round of reading it. I don't think that in my life I have ever cried so much at a book. I sat on my bed while reading it slinging to my pillow, that rested un der my chin to catch my tears. I weeped throughout the entire thing (well almost). My mom would come in and say for my to stop rubbing my face on my pillow and get a kleenex, but I didn't want to stop for even a little moment. My grandmother (whom I call nanny) got Whale Song for me as a Christmas gift. She said she saw you in the store signing books and said she simply had to buy me and autographed copy. Me and Nanny always talk about the good books we read, and believe me she was one of the first people I called up to ramble on about my new 'obsession'. Anyways I should get back on track, She got this book for me as well as a few more, and I had saved it for last, scince it was the most colorful, and most inviting. See when I recieve books in order to make sure I stay on top of my reading lists, I leave the books I want to read most for last, so that I will be encouraged to finish the ones before it faster. And just Thurday night I finished 'The Golden Compass'. And Saturday morning I woke up at six, because a squirell had annoyed my puppy, Jodee. I looked at my book self and then at the one lonely book sitting there that had not yet been read, and scince I can't fall asleep after being woken up, I grabbed it and crawled into bed to read. At 10:00 my mother came in calling me down to eat some breakfast, and that was basically my only break from the book. Your book captured me. It is one of those few books I've read that I think of long after I have read the last page. I want to thank you for writng such a powerful book, in many dimensions. I know it will be my favorite book for a very very long time. I'm looking forward to reading many other times then the two times I have already read it. sincerly, J. For me, receiving emails like this one absolutely makes my day. It makes me remember that part of the reason why I write is for my readers. The other reason why I write is because I simply have to--for ME! Please keep sending me your emails, and remember that posting reviews on Amazon or Indigo is also a wonderful way to show your support of my work. I love stumbling upon a new review! Cheryl Kaye TardifAuthor of Whale Song | |||
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
One of my favorite fan emails!
Review from Edmonton Sun
I received this short but 'sweet' review the other day: "Local author
Thanks, Graham! Cheryl Kaye Tardif Author of Whale Song | |||
Advice to Aspiring Authors
Today I received an email from an aspiring writer and I thought I would share it with you, and share my reply. Ms. Tardif, I have just completed my first manuscript and I am looking for some advice. I write in the same genres as your novels and I was wondering what I should do. As a Canadian writer, should I seek representation for my work, or go directly to publishing houses? Should I go with a smaller publisher, just to get my foot in the door? Any advice you can give me would be helpful. Thanks. L. My reply: Hi L: Congratulations on completing your first ms!! You should be proud of yourself. Many people start a ms, but never finish. There are a number of things you should do or consider.
Cheryl Kaye Tardif Canadian Mystery Author Whale Song, The River, and Divine Intervention | |||
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
A Fresh New Look at!
I invite you to check out the fresh new look at I think you'll agree, this new look is less crowded and easier to navigate. Plus I've added a new site map!
Some of you will notice I have updated my photograph...well, what can I say? The older version was taken back in 2003, when I had a run-in with a pair of scissors (or a lapse of sanity). The next time I have the bright idea to cut my hair short, somebody please stop me!

For someone who is photophobic, I'm getting used to the new photo on my site. Incidentally, the photographer is my best friend and partner in crime (a fellow author, that is!), Shannon Lea, whose upcoming novel Stolen Innocence will be her debut. No release date set on it yet, but I'll let you know when it's available. For now, please check out Shannon at

What else can I tell you?
Not much...because I have to keep you in suspense. :)
Sunday, June 18, 2006
New Website Design...Coming Soon!
With the release of a new novel coming out in January 2007, I decided it was time to clean up my website, spruce it up a bit. So, over the next few weeks, I'll be working on this gargantuan project. If all goes well, I expect to launch my fresh new look on June 21st, 2006. So check back around that date to see what's new. Also, expect to see Whale Song 2003 go on sale (if you purchase via PayPal only) sometime around that date. There may even be a way to get a copy of the original collector's item Whale Song absolutely FREE! More news on or before July 15th, 2006. For now, please check out my site at, and order my books online or through your book stores. ~Cheryl Kaye Tardif | |||
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Divine Justice delayed...
Thank you all for your support and caring in the past months, and for the cards of sympathy after my brother's murder. Your thoughts have been greatly appreciated, and I am now getting back to creating. I have finished the Whale Song screenplay, with talented co-writer Alison Neuman, and it will be off to a film producer shortly. I have also finished the new revised special edition of Whale Song, which will be released in January 2007 across Canada and the US to start, and then worldwide. I am exceptional proud to have been offered this book deal by a company based in Ontario, Canada, but with offices in Florida. Kunati Inc. Book Publishers has a sensational vision, with highly motivated, creative go-getters that will aggressively market all Kunati titles. Thank you, Kunati! I apologize to those of you who are waiting patiently for the next in the Divine series. Divine Justice has been delayed in order to work on Porch Monkeys, a book to honor my brother and a book that I believe will be important and possibly impact other people's lives. But, I promise you, Jasi McLellan and her team of psychic agents will not be forgotten. Divine Justice is just around the corner! I am also working on two suspense thrillers that I KNOW you're going to love! But of course, I have to keep you in suspense on that! More on that at a later date. :) Sincerely, Cheryl Kaye Tardif | |||
Monday, June 12, 2006
A Momentary Lapse of Insanity?
Ok, the above headline does NOT refer to a new Cheryl Kaye Tardif mystery. View the trailor! | |||