Okay, here is a quick breakdown of my news items. I'll expand on them in the future as I get more information.
First, San Francisco was a blast. I learned so much at the Brendan Burchard Sponsorships seminar and I'm planning some HUGE events in the future--ones that will benefit Hope Mission, the Mustard Seed Church and the Bissell Centre (here in Edmonton) and hopefully another major Canadian nonprofit. Some of my plans include a North American book tour to promote a third edition of Whale Song and the upcoming movie, a benefit concert, and a benefit concert/telethon. I am hoping to see these events in action during the next 3-4 years.
I also have some stories to tell of my experiences in San Fran. I'll save them for later posts.
While in SF, I was able to meet a great friend, whom I now call the Query King. Jeff Rivera helped me refine my query and that got me signed with a New York agent. Jeff has grown his own expertise and business and now helps other authors with queries. If you email him, tell him Cheryl referred you and he'll treat you extra special. :) Jeff's new business GumboWriters.com is bringing together some of the big names in the book industry, people who were recently laid off due to current economics and cutbacks. Check out http://www.gumbowriters.com/!
While I was gone I was contacted by an Alberta magazine. They want to run a story on me. When I told them about the Whale Song movie deal that is in negotiation, we agreed to pursue the story for the magazine when I have more concrete news and can release names of parties concerned.
This morning I was contacted by City TV in Edmonton. They want to profile me in the new series "Outstanding Edmontonians". I am so honored! Filming for the segment will be on Tuesday in my home. My wonderful publicist Rachel Sentes from OutRight Communications will be participating in the interview. (I wonder if she'll tell the table story...gasp...oh no!!! lol)
By the way, if you're still interested in purchasing a copy of Whale Song, it is STILL AVAILABLE at online retailers. I have no idea when it will officially be out of print, but it could be any day now. The 2007 edition of Whale Song will make a great addition to anyone's book collection. It's now a collector's item! Order from http://www.amazon.com/ or http://www.chapters.ca/. My apologies to independent bookstores whom I do support, but I know that they won't want to be ordering in stock of a book that is going OP. When the 3rd movie edition comes out, I'll gladly support all my friends who operate independent bookstores! :)
Well, I think that's enough for now. I promise to post a couple of heartwarming stories here very soon. For now, adieu, take care and dare to dream!
Cheryl Kaye Tardif
1 comment:
You've had a busy time the past week. Fun and productive. I want to thank you for taking time out of your very busy schedule to provide a blog article for Over Coffee http://siamckye.blogspot.com/. I also appreciate the time you took to answer questions of the commenters. As always, you are gracious and encouraging.
TV and magazines. You're going great guns with this. I'm so excited for the you and the plans you've made. I'll be around to see how it all plays out.
I think I will contact your friend Jeff Rivera and get some insight on mine query letters. Thanks for telling us about it.
I'll be watching for your stories here on your blog.
When I grow up, I want to bea promoter just like you. (ans won't my 14 year old son crack up when he sees that statement, lolol!)
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