The suspense really IS killing me, and I have to say it's been hard not shouting my news to the rooftops and beyond. But here it is...
A respected US film producer/director picked up a copy of Whale Song over the Christmas holidays, read it, then emailed be to say he was "blown away" by it. His words. He then read the screenplay and said he had to call me right away "while I still had this knot in my stomach."
We have just started the lengthy process of negotiating film rights, and I must warn you, dear fans, it is a very, very slow process normally, and this is NOT a done deal yet. But I feel it is very close. In fact, this is the closest I've ever been to seeing my dream of Whale Song on the big screen.
While I can't drop any names until a deal is done, I will tell you that this producer has worked for a major recognizable film company and is well-connected. If I mentioned the company every single one of you would know it.
So why say something now? Well, I debated on this, and finally came to the realization that I really need to acknowledge every little success I achieve. Acknowledge and celebrate that my dream is being visualized by someone else, someone who sees it as clearly as I do.
I'm mentioning this too because I BELIEVE in the law of attraction. This has been my life for the past 6 years. And I hope that all of you send out a happy thought and a wish for this to happen.
And I also mentioned it because I just couldn't keep it inside any longer. The suspense was killing me! :)
Don't forget to order your collector's copy of Whale Song now, before it goes out of print. Your best bet is to order it via Amazon or Chapters at this time.
~Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Cheryl, this is incredible news! I'm so happy for you! Because I understand and share the passion a writer has for creating a vision through words, I think I can especially appreciate how enormous a deal this must be for you. Every step toward our goals are great ones... and this one is giant!
You deserve the attention you have received for Whale Song; it will make a great movie!
All the best,
I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you! Keep us posted!
Beth Fehlbaum, author
Courage in Patience, a story of HOPE..
Ch. 1 is online!
Thank you both so much. :-)
Go Girl !!!!!
What fantastic news! Fingers crossed for subsequent developments.
Chris. xx
Chris Butler.
Illustrator for the Quantum Tarot.
...Sending out the morphic field waves from my little corner. Would love to say, "I knew her when..."
Cheryl congratulations! This is awesome news!
Todd A Fonseca
Author of The Time Cavern
Wow that is so amazing. I bet law of attraction really works.
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