Note from Cheryl: Normally when I ask to quote someone's review, I select the best parts, words I think prospective buyers need to hear to make their decision on whether to buy Whale Song. In the case below, I had to include the entire review because her words mean so much to me.

The story seems straightforward, moving along in a way that constantly keeps your attention. But underneath are layers of complex feelings and meaning, and they will stir your heart in a big way. Have Kleenex handy! I went through a whole box while reading this. And not because it was sad--although there is definitely sadness in it--but because it is so beautifully written. It makes you think. I let go of a burden of bitterness I was holding inside myself, because of the wisdom I found in Whale Song. How many books can you actually say made you a better person and changed your life?
Every single voice in the narrative is completely authentic. From the young girl who tells the story to the wise old Indian woman called Nana, the characters are living, breathing people you wish you could meet. And the sense of place is so real that you can actually see the ocean and hear the songs of the whales.
There is fascinating Indian lore and legend, and a deep vein of spirituality running throughout the book. It's a tale of heartbreak and happiness, of shutting yourself in and letting yourself go free. After you dry your tears, the message you take away will be one of hope and strength. Cheryl Tardif definitely understands the human soul. And we are lucky that she has the words to tell us about it."
--Susan J. McLeod, author of Soul and Shadow
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