If you're looking for a home in SE Edmonton, the house we're selling has a huge pie lot, double attached garage, lots of backyard room and a defined garden area, plus 2 apple trees--and a prime location close to schools, buses and a shopping centre within a 3-minute walk. It's listed on the MLS site HERE.
As for the new home that Coventry is building for us, the basement walls are all up and done; the floor will be poured later. Right now it is filled with rock.
We can see the basement windows and the side door. Without the inner walls framed, the basement looks huge. Later, there will be 3 bedrooms a large bathroom, a family room, a storage area/kitchenette and the utility room.
Framing the basement comes later.
The framing stage for the main floor is the next major stage after the basement walls are done and the floor for the main floor is secured. This is an exciting stage of the build. This is where the homeowner can see his or her realization of the 'dream home' or plan coming together, recognizable now. It's also the time when small errors can be made by the builders. Hey, no one's perfect--and no company either. The sign of a good builder is whether they recognize the error soon enough and fix it quickly. We've been fortunate in that Coventry Homes is a top-notch builder. A window was placed in the wrong room (that far narrow window in the pic to the left) and was quickly and easily fixed a day later.
More walls went up and then they started framing the rooms inside the main level of the house, about 1660 sq. ft. of living space. My (and my husband's) space! There are stairs going into the house from the garage or to the front door and stairs into the basement. But I'll rarely go downstairs, which is a good thing since stairs have been challenging for me lately. Everything I need, including a nice sized laundry room is on the main level.
What seems like a small space can turn out to be bigger than you thought, which is exactly what happened when we compared our new bedroom to the one we have now and the one on the plan. Our new room IS a bit bigger than our existing one (and the correct size on the plan); it just looks smaller.
All the rooms on the main floor have been framed. Yesterday, I walked into my laundry room, bedroom, walk-in closet, and the huge open-concept living room/kitchen/dining nook, which will be bright with the morning sun through all the nook windows and sliding glass door. I love morning sun! As I stood near the open windows and overlooked my dirt backyard, some Canada Geese flew overhead, honking and announcing their arrival and that spring is here.
Once the walls were in place, they started adding the roof. This is where the design of the front of the house starts to take shape. See that single car garage on the right? That's my space.
All in all, building our second home has been exciting and very fulfilling.
In the words of author Stephen J. Cannell's popular character Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith (George Peppard) from the A-Team, "I love it when a plan comes together."
And the plan for my dream home is shaping up very nicely! Thank you, Coventry Homes!
~Cheryl Kaye Tardif,
bestselling Canadian author
It seems to be going up extemely fast. Did they give you any idea about when it might be done?
Thanks for the question, Mike. The builder said it takes about 6 months from the time they break ground to completion. Based on this we should be able to move in early August. However, I like to give an extra month--just in case there are any delays...so September. Building in Edmonton is starting to pick up again and the busier builders are, the more common it is to have some delays.
Cheers! :-)
Coventry told me about six months as well, and that was last June. It looks like it's going to be at leat 12, but I still can't get any confirmation from them. It's been frustrating.
It's interesting watching yours go up, though. Keep posting the great updates and pictures.
Your blog has inspired me to start my own: http://buildinginedmonton.blogspot.com
We were told it should take 6 months from the day they start digging. However, if you have an unusual plan or are custom building it can take longer.
We started designing our floor plan last May. Because it is such a large bungalow, we had issues with the City of Edmonton--in getting the house to fit on the lot. That took a lot of time, plus making sure that we included everything we need in the actual design.
It worked out for the best that they weren't ready to start digging until February. It gave us a lot of time to make sure we got the plan right.
I think it's safe to add an extra month to the 6 months, but I am hopeful that my house will be ready on time. In fact it would be awesome if I could move in before August 12th, my birthday. I shall dream...
Happy building, Mike. It can be very stressful, but just keep reminding yourself that everything between now and the time that your house is complete is temporary. Soon you'll be moving into your house--and onto the next chapter of your life. :-)
All the best,
Cheryl Kaye Tardif
Our old house sold! Finally! It really only took a month, but after 2 other deals fell through, I was a bit worried.
We have moved out (in a day) and are now in a nice rental home. It's small though, and I have a lot of unpacking to do. Some things I'll leave in boxes for the final move to our new home.
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