Winter Lust
Winter’s cottony cloak gently drapes the ground,
Slowing Mother Earth’s heart to a sluggish waltz beat,
Cooling her hardened skin, frozen in endless time,
Stunting all growth as if in agonizing defeat.
This icy wrap she wears, it clings so lovingly;
How frigid is Mother Earth, unrelentingly in her claim
That she owns this frozen land and everything within,
And possesses calm reserve despite Winter’s pain.
The snow drifts and icicles form, suspended in time,
The breath and teardrops of Mother Earth’s last stand
Before Winter smothers her final weeping breath
And silent cries spread across the glacial land.
Unyielding of her riches buried far beneath the soil,
Mother Earth sighs, her time will come once more to reign.
In the thaw of springtime, freedom comes full circle,
She emerges victorious…at least ‘til Winter’s lust begins again.
©2009 Cheryl Kaye Tardif
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