I've been involved with a special project that's been nicknamed Project Drumheller. Project Drumheller is a publicity campaign that I started in order to help my friend Lisa take her son Josiah to Drumheller to hunt for dinosaurs!
 Josiah is a six-year-old budding paleontologist who has dreamed of traveling to Drumheller, Alberta, to see the "Dinosaur Capital of the World". And I am doing everything I can to help him get there.
If you are in Victoria, you can check out Josiah's lemonade and dino-cookie stand at the Estevan Street Market every weekend in June.
You can also pick up a copy of Whale Song or Divine Intervention at Josiah's stand and 50% of the sales will go to Project Drumheller!
Already Josiah and his mom, Lisa, a hard-working single mom, have been interviewed by CBC Radio (Victoria) and a leading talk show has shown an interest in this project.
Rumor has it a major fast food chain is considering SPONSORING their entire trip!
One of the other sponsors is Mindful Canada www.mindfulcanada.com, which has been responsible for garnering gift certificates and other goodies for Josiah and Lisa.
For more information please see the new website I designed for them: www.projectdrumheller.com
Media contacts can reach me at info@projectdrumheller.com
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